Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blogging by Phone

Well, looks like this blog is about to get REALLY random. I can now simply send a text and bam! Blog posted. So as I experience things in this wild wild will be here.

Monday, February 8, 2010

You Can't Choose Your Family...

You can't choose your family, but friends are the family you can choose. While I have very few friends I am close enough with to consider family (the few of you know who you are), I am definitely OVER certain family members.

This is probably my first "serious" post, but I need to rant or it's going to eat away at me and ruin my day.

It really sucks when you learn you can't trust a family member that you always thought you could. I told a family member something in confidence, and then get a rude (as usual) message from another family member that what I said was tattled to. I'm learning lately who I can and cannot trust and have been writing people off left and right, but it sucks when you end up writing off a family member. But this has been a long time coming, this person and I have completely different views on everything, she's fake, messy, nosey, and just not the kind of person I need in my life right now. Family or not.

Now that my trust has been tested by this other family member, I'm going to have to keep her at arm's length. I never thought I'd see the day when I had to be careful what I said to another family member. It just goes to show that even though you share a bloodline with someone, doesn't mean that you can trust them, or that they'll be there for you. So sad.

All that being said, I'm very thankful for the few friends I CAN trust, and that I can call my extended family.